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Welcome to Northwind Seminary Press, your partner in publishing high-quality books on themes of spiritual importance. Our team of professionals includes faculty, students, pastors, and organizational leaders who creatively explore these themes and share our mission to equip the Church for a new Reformation.
Student Publications
Student Publications
The Press publishes the Degree Papers of its graduates following a faculty mentor review
process: -
Capstone Series:
Master in Specialized
Ministry Degree Capstone Papers -
Treatise Series :
Doctor in Specialized Ministry Degree Treatise Papers
Dissertation Series:
Doctor in Theology & Ministry Degree Dissertations
Academic Publications
Academic Publications
The Press publishes Academic Books from outside scholars related to one of the Northwind Seminary degree program concentrations, following a peer-review process: -
Academic Series features books on Theology, Spirituality, and Ministry -
Professional Series features works of the authors supporting creative
ministry in a postmodern era for the Nextchurch of a new Reformation.
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